Major Port Authorities Bill introducing transformation of port trusts and the Landlord Model
16 Feb 2022, 1430 IST
This session is now over. You can watch the YouTube video on demand below:
Context and Overview:
The major ports in India were owned by the Indian government and they were run as trusts following a hybrid format of the long obsolete service port model and the preferred landlord model of port management followed globally. With the passing of the new bill of the landlord port model, the publicly governed port authority will act as a regulatory body and as landlord while private companies carry out port operations—mainly cargo-handling activities. This session will discuss on the impact of the new bill and focusses on how
Model Concession Agreement to become more equitable and less contentious, which can further sustainable growth of the port and logistics sector and promote public–private partnership (PPP).
Panel for Arbitration can be established effectively for dispute resolution and the method and challenges.